Paperback edition

Hardcover edition
Visual Intelligence
the ability to see what's there that others don't, to see what's not there that should be, to see the positives and the negatives, the opportunity, the invention, the upside, the warning signs, the quickest way, the way out, the win
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“This fascinating and beautifully illustrated book will make you see the world more clearly than you ever have before. And that clarity will transform how you deal with the challenges and opportunities you face every day.”
—Leonard Mlodinow, author of Subliminal and The Drunkard’s Walk
“Amy Herman has transformed the way I look at art -- and at the world. She shows us when to trust our instincts as observers and when to recognize that our instincts have gone astray. So much wisdom flows from those lessons, which are set forth clearly and convincingly in this book.”
—Professor Ari L. Goldman, Columbia University, author of The Search for God at Harvard and The Late Starters Orchestra.
“In her masterful new book, Amy Herman offers a compelling case for the life enhancing value—and central importance—of careful observation. Within these pages Herman teaches us how to be active and attentive observers, both within the confines of an art museum and well beyond. Visual Intelligence is a fascinating book, and an important one—and it is a great read.”
—Daniel Weiss, President, The Metropolitan Museum of Art